Category Archives: Implants

Dental Implant Benefits

Overlooked Benefits of Dental Implants

It feels like you’ve heard it all when it comes to dental implants. Implants do look nice and help you enjoy your favorite foods. But the benefits of the permanent tooth replacements go far beyond the obvious.

Here are a few surprising ways your body can benefit from your smile getting dental implants:

Improve Your Nutrition with Implants

It’s easy to take eating for granted. Being able to properly chew your food affects the nutrition of your body. The best way to take in vitamins and essential nutrients is by getting them from their natural sources. Fresh fruits and vegetables, hearty whole grains, and nuts are examples of nutritious foods.

But it’s no easy feat to chew a raw carrot or almonds with a denture.

A dental implant or two could be the key to improving your diet. After getting implants, you’ll likely find that your digestion and nutrition will improve.

Implants Are More Hygienic Than a Removable Prostheses

Did you know that single implants are easier to maintain than a removable prosthesis?

Because a dental implant becomes part of your mouth, it doesn’t come out. It gets cleaned right along with your other teeth when you brush and floss. On the other hand, dentures are prone to getting damaged, developing small scratches, and harboring bacteria. You don’t have to worry about a fungal infection with a dental implant the way you would if you forgot to take your denture out at night.

Keep Your Other Teeth Healthy

It’s very important to have a complete smile in proper alignment. The shape and positioning of your teeth ensure that they wear properly and don’t harbor food buildup between meals. You don’t need much more than regular flossing and normal brushing to keep a full set of teeth healthy.

Dental Implants can complete your smile and keep your oral hygiene routine simple, and prevent shifting or abnormal wear of your adjacent teeth.

Preserve the Shape of Your Smile

Because a dental implant acts like a tooth root, it can help strengthen the bone in your jaw. A tooth root stimulates the bone tissue to reinforce itself. In this way, an implant could keep shrunken gaps out of your smile, or a collapsing facial profile.

Cut Back on Dental Restoration Appointments

Just about every dental restoration will need replacement at some point. The crowns of dental bridges usually fitted over natural teeth are still prone to decay around them. Dentures and partials will need adjusting to fit the changes in your mouth. But as long as you keep your implant clean, a dental implant should serve you for far longer than any other option available.

As you can see, the benefits of dental implants are far-reaching. You’ve got nothing to lose by exploring the possibility of these permanent tooth replacements. In fact, you just might stand to gain a whole lot!

Contact our dental implant team at Chrysalis Dental Centres. We’ll be happy to help you on your way to realising the smile of your dreams! That perfect smile could very well benefit you in many other ways that you never considered before.

Call 1 888 733-6983


Implant Supported Dentures

Conventional Dentures vs. Implant Supported Dentures: The Important Differences

What are the important differences between conventional dentures and implant supported dentures?

False teeth are false teeth, right? Once your natural teeth are gone, it doesn’t matter what you replace them with. Or does it? There are a few options available for replacing teeth. There are two that we will discuss today: traditional dentures or implant-supported dentures. There are some very significant differences between these two techniques. If you keep these differences in mind, you can make the best decision for your lifestyle:

The Differences

Conventional dentures are designed to conform to the shape of your mouth. Your gums and the underlying bone structure support these dentures. The dentures rub against your gums and often create sore spots. Many people feel that a traditional denture is the best option for replacing teeth. These dentures are removable and cleaned outside the mouth.

An implant-supported prosthesis is a denture, which is both retained and supported by four or more dental implants. This means that the denture does not rest on the gums. Rather, it is fixed on implants, which are embedded in bone. Only your dentist will remove the denture for cleaning and examination. Other than that, it stays inside your mouth for life.

Comparing Conventional Dentures vs. Implant Supported Dentures

So, does it matter which denture option you choose? Consider how the differences affect performance. The fact that regular dentures rest on top of the bone and implant dentures do not plays a big role. This is because they affect the bone in different ways.

Regular dentures rub against the gums. Especially in the lower jaw, they have nothing to hold them in place and they are difficult to chew with. The bone shrinks because there are no teeth or implants to stimulate it.

Implant-supported dentures draw strength from the bone. The dental implants that support these dentures are embedded in the bone. This prevents them from slipping and gives them added strength. They do not create sore spots from rubbing against the gums. Dental implants stimulate the bone and, as a result, the bone is far less likely to resorb or shrink.

Conventional dentures do not stimulate the bone. The jawbone will shrink and the shape of your mouth will change. This means that the dentist could have to regularly adjust the denture to fit the shape of your mouth. The lining of the denture sometimes has to be changed to address the sore spots.

Implant-supported dentures aren’t meant to rest on the gums. Instead, the bone anchors them in place. The implants promote bone strength and help prevent the bone from shrinking or resorbing.

What Is Your Long-Term Choice?

Traditional dentures may seem like the best option based on cost, alone. How do they pay off in the long run? The need to have them adjusted can become a burden. You could also suffer from a change in the shape of your smile. Many conventional denture wearers are embarrassed to eat in public. They often avoid social situations. They are afraid to go swimming because they may lose their teeth and not be able to find them. It is hard to associate a cost to this behaviour.

Many people agree that implant-supported dentures are the wisest long-term investment. Why? Because an implant-supported denture can help to preserve the existing bone for a long time. Also, it can give more strength to the bite and enable you to eat the foods you love. Implant-supported dentures need far less maintenance than regular dentures do. For some people, the most important benefit is a huge gain in confidence.

Weigh the facts when considering conventional dentures vs. implant supported dentures for replacing missing teeth. Learn more about how an implant-supported denture is right for you. Make an appointment with Chrysalis Dental Centres today!

Call 1 888 733-6983


Ceramic Dental Implants

Ceramic Dental Implants


What are Ceramic Dental Implants?

Ceramic dental implants are an alternative to our widely used titanium dental implants. Ceramic implants are made of highly durable zirconia. Zirconia is a strong material that can withstand biting forces. It is also aesthetically pleasing, as it is tooth coloured.

In areas such as the front of the mouth, ceramic dental implants can be beneficial. This is especially true if there is a small margin around the actual prosthetic teeth. A metal (titanium) implant sometimes poses aesthetic concerns. If the implant is visible when you smile, this could cause a grey shadow around the tooth. Using ceramic implants can solve this problem. A ceramic dental crown or bridge will have a thin margin between the prosthesis and the gumlines. If a ceramic dental implant were to show, the color of the implant would look more natural. In certain circumstances, this may allow the titanium implant to be seen. While this is not a problem in the back teeth, it will be if it affects the appearance of front teeth.

You might be asking yourself “is ceramic safe to use for my smile?” Absolutely. Dentists have used ceramic for restorative, prosthetic and aesthetic purposes for years. Ceramic is often used to make custom crowns, dental bridges and even some types of implant dentures. Using ceramic as an implant is just a further extension of the material’s capabilities.

Design and Uses

At Chrysalis Dental Centres, we can offer white ceramic dental implants to our patients. The actual ceramic implant is white…similar to the replacement crown or bridge. This can improve the overall aesthetic approach to your smile rehabilitation. It may take our cosmetic dental implants a step further in your smile makeover treatments.

Unlike titanium implants, ceramic dental implants have a built-in abutment. This fused abutment is the implant extension that supports the fixed prosthesis. The one-piece body design eliminates extra steps needed during the implant treatment. It also discourages extra bacterial growth.

Compatible Materials

The ceramic body is allergen-free and biocompatible with the body. Just like titanium implants. Ceramic is also corrosion resistant. With a rigid root design, ceramic implants are also well supported by your tissues.

Your ceramic dental implants can support any fixed crowns and bridges. Once the custom prosthesis is bonded to the implant, the final appearance looks more lifelike. You will not have to worry about dark grey lines along the gums. Even if you suffer from gum recession later on, only a white implant root will be seen. This feature assists the implant in blending with your smile. All you will see is a fully white tooth that closely resembles the appearance of your other teeth.

Are you avoiding dental implants because of the metal that is used? Do you worry that a titanium implant will interfere with your appearance? Are you extremely sensitive to metals? Ceramic dental implants may be an excellent option for your smile. Call Chrysalis Dental Centres today to schedule a consultation with one of our dentists. Find out how ceramic dental implants could change your implant experience.

Call 1 888 733-6983 for a no-hassle, no obligation consultation to determine if you are a candidate for one of our dental implant solutions.